CrossFit – Wed, May 29

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (4 Rounds for calories)4xAMRAP4(1:00 Rest) Rounds 1 & 2: 30 DB DL 15 Box Jumps -Max Cal Row Rounds 3 & 4: 20 DB Snatch 10 Burpee Box Overs -Max Cal RowMetcon (No Measure)Accumulate 3:00 Sandbag Hold (60/40kg)OPEN...

CrossFit – Tue, May 28

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitPull-ups (10-20 Every 2:00 x 5 Rounds.)As we hit week 2 we are looking for progression. That may be an extra rep each round, or better movement quality but push to do more than last week.Partner workout (No Measure)AMRAP14: 20 Double...

CrossFit – Mon, May 27

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMurph (Time)For Time: 1-Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1-Mile Run If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June...

CrossFit – Sun, May 26

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)4xAMRAP3(Rest 2:00) 10 Shoulder Press @70% 5-10 HSPU / Push Press Max Cals Rower

CrossFit – Sat, May 25

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitSweat sesh 💦Metcon (No Measure)In Pairs: 2,000m Bike 400m Run 100 Sandbag Lunges (30/20kg) 2,000m Bike 400m Run 120 GHD Sit-Ups 2,000m Bike 400m Run 60 BurpeesBarbellMetcon (No Measure)20:00 to Build a Heavy Single Snatch 20:00 to...