CrossFit – Tue, Oct 1

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWARM UP (No Measure)A. GENERAL (6:00) EMOM 6 1: 45 sec Cossack Squats, assisted as needed 2: 45 sec Air squats 3: 45 sec Squat thrusts B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (5:00) -Deadbugs (add medicine ball if desired) 20...

CrossFit – Mon, Sep 30

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWARM UP (No Measure)A. GENERAL (5:00) Amrap 5 5 Shuttle runs (25/25’ = 1) 5 Burpees 5 Band shoulder press B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00) Hollow body pull down + Glute Bridge 2 x 5 reps @ hard band C1. SPECIFIC...

CrossFit – Sun, Sep 29

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWARM UP (No Measure)A. GENERAL (6:00) EMOM 6 odd- 12-20 Jumping Jacks + 6 Alternating lunges even- 12-20 Plank Shoulder taps B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (1:30) Scorpion Stretch 20 total reps C1. SPECIFIC (5:00) DB...

CrossFit – Sat, Sep 28

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWARM UP (No Measure)A. GENERAL (5:00) Partner Warm up 4 rounds total 1:00 Machine 8 Sky touches 4 Broad Jumps While one partner is on the machine, the other partners are performing an amrap of the sky touches...

CrossFit – Fri, Sep 27

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardWARM UP (No Measure)A. GENERAL (4:00) 2 rounds 30 sec shuttle runs* 6 Beat Swings 12 Hollow Rocks * If possible have athletes run in a way that gets them to the rig on the run back B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION...