WARM UP (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (8:00)
Easy 200m jog
Skips: 2-3 x 25′ each skip, with a jog back to start
– A Skip
– High knees
– B Skip
– Straight leg shuffle
10 Band pass throughs
10 Band pull aparts
C1. SPECIFIC (10:00)
Handstand push up
2-3 Head stand holds, free standing, staying tucked and slowly extending (5-10 sec)
2-3 Headstand hold against the wall (5-10 sec)
These can start fully extended then slow athletes can tuck down.
– Int & Advanced: 3-5 Headstand hold against the wall into kipping HSPU
– Beginner: 3-5 DB Push press
C2. SPECIFIC (Cnt’d)
DB Front rack lunges
10 Unweighted forward lunges
6 DB Front rack lunges
METCON (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 22 minutes
2-4-6-8-10-12, etc
Handstand push ups
DB Front Rack lunges @ 50/35 lbsx 2
Run 200m
RX+ Deficit 4/2″
Score: Rounds & Reps
TC: 22 minutes
KG: 22.5/15
Scaling Options
DB shoulder press @ 25/15 lbs x 2
DB Front Rack lunges @ 25/15 lbs x 2
Jog 100-200m
Intermediate L1
Pike HSPU, feet or knees on box
DB Front Rack lunges @ 35/20lbs x 2
Run 200m
Intermediate L2
HSPU reps: 1-2-3-4- etc
DB Front Rack lunges @ 50/35 lbs x 2
Run 200m
ACCESSORY / EXTRA (3 Rounds for weight)
Gorilla Row
3 x 20 Alternating @ moderate to heavy
-Rest 2:00 b/w-
Goal: Upper body posterior chain endurance