Warm up (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (6:00)
3 rounds
1:00 Row / Bike
10 Forward lunges
5-10 Beat Swings
10 Wide stance med ball hugging good mornings
B. SPECIFIC (12:00)
Pull ups
5 Beat Swings
5 Kip Swings / 5 Beat swings (beginner)
5 Half Pull ups (focus on push away) / 5 Jumping Pull ups (beginner)
5 Kipping Pull ups / C2B pull ups / 5 Jumping Pull ups (beginner)
Give athletes 2 minutes to warm up and setup pull ups or Ring muscle ups if athletes are doing RX+
Step ups
10 Alternating Bear hug Step ups, workout weight (unweighted for beginners)
Practice round
20 sec machine
4 Bear hug step ups
2 C2B/modification
METCON (8 Rounds for time)
E4MOM x 8
500m Row / 1000m Bike / 400m / 350m Ski
16 Step up, bear hug 20/14 lbs med ball, 24/20″
8 C2B Pull ups*
* RX+ 5/4 Ring Muscle ups
Score: Each set for time
TC: 32 minutes
KG: 9/6
Scaling Options
300m Row / 700m Bike / 200m Ski (2:00 max)
12 Unweighted Step ups @ 20″
8 Jumping Pull ups
500m Row / 1000m Bike / 400m Ski
16 Step up, bear hug 16/12 lbs med ball
8 Pull ups
L-sit / Hollow Hold
3 x 30-60 seconds