WARM UP (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (6:00)
2-3 rounds
0:45 on Machine
25′ Samsons stretch lunges
10 Hollow rock to Toe Touch
2 sets
10 Seated Band Rows
10 Banded Good Mornings
C. SPECIFIC (5:00)
Bent Over Row
– 5 Reps, Empty Bar holding end range for 3 seconds
– Ramp up for workout
C2. SPECIFIC (8:00)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
– 3-5 Sumo deadlifts
– 3-5 Hang high pulls (Sumo Position)
– 3-5 Sumo deadlift high pulls
Shoulder to Overhead
– 3-5 Shoulder Press
– 3-5 Push Press
– 3-5 Push Jerks
Bent Over Row
Barbell Bent Over Rows
3 x 10, Moderate
Rest 2:00 Between Sets
Score: Weight
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
Scaling Options
3×6-8 @ technical across
As written
3 Sets, Rest 1:00
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Burpee Over Bar
10 Plank shoulder Taps
5 Rounds
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 95/65lbs
12/10 Calories on a Machine
– Rest 2 minutes –
5 Rounds
15 Shoulder To Overhead @ 95/65lbs
15/12 Calories on a Machine
Score: Total Time Including Rest
Time Cap: 17:00
Kilograms: 43/30, Beg: 20/15, Int: 35/25
Scaling Options
6 SDLHP @ 45/35lbs
6 Calories on a Machine
-rest 2 minutes-
5 Rounds
9 Shoulder To Overhead @ 45/35lbs
9 Calories on a Machine
9 SDLHP @ 75/55lbs
9 Calories on a Machine
-rest 2 minutes-
5 Rounds
15 Shoulder To Overhead @ 75/55lbs
15 Calories on a Machine
ACCESSORY / EXTRA (3 Rounds for reps)
Plate Front Raise with Turn
3 x 1:00 Max reps, Rest 1:00
Goal: Shoulder Accessory