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WARM UP (No Measure)

A. GENERAL (5-7:00)

“Full Body Hop” Race warm up

Split class into groups of 3-5

Set up lines of 4-6 plates, 4-6 KBs and med balls of various weights, 1 line per group.

Athletes will race through the obstacles with lateral plate hops, then the lateral plank walk with KB touches and finally grab a med ball of the appropriate weight and perform 5 squats before running back to the group and tagging the next partner. Continue on like this for up to 7 minutes. You can perform this as an amrap or a race through a specific number of rounds.


Wrist Mobility

C. SPECIFIC (12:00)

Wall Walks

Go over set up, Reaching up the foot, pressing into a strong overhead position and reaching the other foot.

Progressively adding steps to a full rep or a position athletes are comfortable with.


Ring Dips

5 Pause jumping ring dips (pause in the bottom of the dip)

5 Pause jumping ring dips (pause at support position)

5 Ring dips / Jumping ring dips or Box dips

Toes To Bar

5 Beat Swings

5 Swinging leg raises / knee raises

5 Toes to bar / Leg raises / Knee raises




METCON (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 24

200m Run

12 TTB

200m Run

8 Ring Dips

200m Run

4 Wall Walk

Score: Rounds & Reps

TC: 24 minutes


Scaling Options


200m Jog

10 Hanging Knee Raises

200m Jog

8 Box Dips

200m Jog

4 Inchworms

Intermediate L1

200m Run

12 Swinging Leg Raises

200m Run

8 Band assisted Strict Ring Dips

200m Run

4 Half Wall Walk

Intermediate L2

200m Run


200m Run

4-6 Ring Dips

200m Run

4 Wall Walk


Weighted Sorrenson hold

3 x 60 seconds

*Bear hug a plate or medicine ball

**Can perform on GHD or bench


Box Jumps 3 x 5 (12’)

Tall Clean 3×3@30%(Clean), 2×2@35% (10’)

Clean+FS+Split Jerk 3×2@75%, 2×2@80% (Fast Elbows) (15’)

Back Squat 4×5@80% (10’)

Push Press 3×3@85-90% (8’)

*Rest of the CrossFit programming is provided just for Oepn Gym use.