WARM UP (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (5:00)
Amrap 5 minutes
5 Inchworm push ups / Knees
5 Plate Hollow Body Pull overs
5/5 plate Flips
Wall PNF Thoracic extension
5-7 reps
Press 5 seconds into wall + stretch 5-7 seconds
C. SPECIFIC (15:00)
Toes to Bar, focus on Return of the legs
2 x 5 Beat Swings
2 x 5 Swinging Leg Raises / Knee raises
2 x 5 Toes to bar / Trials
Clean and Jerks, Focus on transition from clean to overhead
5 Muscle Cleans to shoulder press
5 Power Cleans into Push press
5 Power clean & Jerks
Strict Handstand Push ups, focus on tripod or arm position for scale
5 Pike Push ups / Band assisted Pike Push ups
2-5 Strict Handstand push ups, pause in bottom / 2-5 Hanstand push ups modification
5 rounds for time
10 Toes to Bar
10 Strict Handstand push ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Clean & Jerks @ 115/75 lbs
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
Score: Time
TC: 25 minutes
KG: 52/35, Beg 20/15 Int 43/30
Scaling Options
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Hand Elevated push ups
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Clean & Jerks @ 45/35 lbs
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Burpees / Down & ups
Intermediate L1
10 Swinging Leg Raises
10 Strict Handstand push ups
10 Swinging Leg Raises
10 Clean & Jerks @ 95/65 lbs
10 Swinging Leg Raises
10 Burpees
Intermediate L2
7 Toes to Bar
5 Strict Handstand push ups
7 Toes to Bar
10 Clean & Jerks @ 115/75 lbs
7 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees
3 sets
60 sec Reverse Plank hold
-Rest 30 seconds b/w-
Goal: Post chain isometric strength