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WARM UP (No Measure)

A. GENERAL (6:00)

Amrap 6 minutes

30 sec Row/Shuttle run

1 x 25’ Burpees broad jump shuttle

1 x 25’ Samson Stretch Lunges


PNF Thoracic Extension against Wall

5 reps

Press down 5 seconds, stretch down 5-7 seconds

C1. SPECIFIC (12:00)

Pull ups

6 Beat Swings

3 x 2 Beat Swings + 1 Pull up (or half pull up)

6 Pull ups / Ring Rows

Ring Dips

6 Jumping Ring dips

6 Negative Jumping ring dips

3-6 Ring Dips / BAnd Assisted / Box Dips


Wall Walks

3-5 Pikes Against Wall

3-5 Pike Up, reaching feet to the wall

3-5 Wall Walks or reduce distance


Ramp up Deadlifts to workout weight 2 in sets of 3, the strip the bar to workout weight 1.


For Time

2500/2250m Row / 2000 m Run

50 Pull ups

40 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

30 Strict Ring Dips

20 Deadlifts @ 275/205 lbs

10 Wall Walks

Score: Time

TC: 26:00

KG: 100/70, 125/93, Beg: 43/30, 52/35, Int: 84/60, 100/70

Scaling Options


1750/1500m Row / 1000m Jog/Walk

50 Ring Rows

40 Deadlifts @ 95/65 lbs

30 Box Dips

20 Deadlifts @ 115/75 lbs

10 Inchworm + Push ups

Intermediate L1

2250/2000m Row / 2000m Run

50 Jumping Pull ups

40 Deadlifts @ 185/135 lbs

30 Jumping Ring Dips

20 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

10 Half Wall Walks

Intermediate L2

2500/2250m Row / 2000m Run

25 Strict Pull ups

40 Dumbbell Lunge Steps @ 50/35 lbs x 1

15 Strict Ring Dips

20 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs

7 Wall Walks


Seated Band Rows, heavy band

3 x 15 reps

Goal: Upper Body Post Chain
