Metcon (Time)

For time:

160 double-unders

40 overhead squats (29/43 kg)

30/40 cal row

120 double-unders

30 overhead squats (29/43 kg)

22/30 cal row

90 double-unders

20 overhead squats (29/43 kg)

15/20 cal row

20:00 Target. 15:00-23:00 range.

High volume triplet that should enable athletes to keep moving at a steady pace throughout the workout.

Athletes should be done with the first set of double-unders by 2:00, the first set of overhead squats by 5:00 and the first row by 8:00. If an athlete misses any of these targets by more than a minute, be quick to scale the reps or the movement to preserve the intended stimulus.


1) Today’s Metcon

2) Deadlift Bar Muscle Up

3) Accessory I

Metcon (Time)


For time:


Deadlifts (205/315 lb)

Bar muscle-ups
Stimulus & Goals

Complete this workout in 6:00-11:00.

Athletes should be able to repeat sets of 3-5 reps for both movements throughout the entire workout.

Complete bar muscle-ups in 3 sets or less.

The deadlifts should be moderately heavy, but the weight shouldn’t be heavier than 75% of your 1-rep max.

You should be able to cycle the deadlifts for multiple reps. The deadlifts shouldn’t become fast singles at any point.


Be smart about how you attack this workout. The number of sets it takes to complete each round should decrease as the workout goes on. For example, if the round of 12 takes you 4 sets of 3 reps, the round of 9 should take 3 sets of 3, and the round of 6 should take 2 sets of 3. Move quicker as the reps decrease.

Use whichever movement your best at to control the pace. Go big on the movement you’re good at and break up your weaker movement into conservative sets.

Metcon (No Measure)


4 sets for quality:

25 seated leg raises

5 L-pull-ups

5 wall walks
In Accessory – I, the goal is quality movement. On the seated leg raises, try to get both heels off the ground at least three inches. If this is too challenging, try to lean back as you bring your heels off the ground.

It’s OK if you have to break the L-pull-ups into a couple of sets. Try to keep your legs as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. If this is too challenging, bend your legs and keep only your knees up.

Control the descent of the wall walks. Don’t just crash to the floor. If getting your chest to the wall is too challenging, practice getting as close to the wall as possible.