by admin | Feb 28, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitCROSSFIT CLASS PROGRAMMEMetcon (Time) 4 rounds for time: 400-m run 20 DB hang power cleans (12.5/15 kg) 100-m DB front rack carry (12.5/15 kg) – Use two DBs for all movements.INTENDED STIMULUS 11:00-16:00. Light DB load and large...
by admin | Feb 27, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitCROSSFIT CLASS PROGRAMMEMetcon (Time)RX For time: 42/60 calorie row then… 21-15-9-3: Toes-to-bars DB box step-ups (51/61 cm) (15/22.5 kg) Alternating DB snatches (15/22.5 kg) then… 42/60 calorie row – Use a single DB for step-ups and...
by admin | Feb 26, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitCROSSFIT CLASS PROGRAMMEOverhead Squat (7 x 3)INTENDED STIMULUS All sets 70% or higher. Build to a heavy set of 3-reps. Complete all 7 sets on a 20:00 clock and rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. Last completed on September 23,...
by admin | Feb 25, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitCROSSFIT CLASS PROGRAMMEMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)RX 3 rounds for reps: 1:00 box jumps (24/30″) 1:00 double KB push presses (16/24 kg) 1:00 GHD sit-ups10-20 reps/minute. :50 of work and :10 to transition. Athletes can choose where...
by admin | Feb 24, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitCROSSFIT CLASS PROGRAMMEPower Snatch (Pre-workout: Every :30 for 10 sets: 1 power snatch)Metcon (Calories)RX On a 15:00 clock: Max calorie bike – Starting at 0:00 and every 3:00 after perform 2 rounds: 3 hang power snatches (43/61...