by admin | Aug 26, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure) Pre-workout: 30 alternating shoulder taps 10 wall-walks then… Accumulate: 61-m handstand walkMetcon (Time) For time: 400-m walking lungeINTENDED STIMULUS Finish in 12:00-16:00. Athletes should be able to perform...
by admin | Aug 25, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (Time) For time: 60 pull-ups 20 KB Turkish get-ups (16/24 kg) – Switch arms as needed.INTENDED STIMULUS Sub 10:00 workout. Athletes need to be able to complete 60 pull-ups in 5:00 or less to go RX’d. KB load should allow...
by admin | Aug 24, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitGwen (Weight)Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between setsINTENDED STIMULUS Use the same load across all...
by admin | Aug 23, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (AMRAP – Reps) 5 rounds for reps: :20 calorie row :40 rest :40 calorie row :20 rest 1:00 burpees 1:00 restINTENDED STIMULUS 20+ reps (calories + burpees) each round. Advanced athletes should aim for closer to 30+ reps in...
by admin | Aug 22, 2023 | WOD
CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure) Pre-workout: 4 sets: 10 med-ball cleansMetcon (3 Rounds for reps) For reps: AMRAP 2: Knees-to-elbows – Rest 1:00 AMRAP 4: 5 knees-to-elbows 7 wall-ball shots (6/9 kg) (2.7/3 m) – Rest 2:00 AMRAP 6: 5...