Grace (Time)

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

Classic CrossFit benchmark, Grace.

Sub 8:00.

Repeat from November 21, 2022.

Advanced athletes should push to finish sub 5:00.

Loading should allow athletes to perform at least 7 reps unbroken.


1) Grace

2) Strength II

3) Sit-Up Bike

Clean and Jerk (STRENGTH II

EMOM 14:
1 clean and jerk)

Increase loading across as many sets as possible.

Aim to get close to 90%. This should not be a PR attempt. The goal is to find something heavy for the day.

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)


3 rounds for time:

25 sit-ups

18/25-cal Echo bike

– Rest 2:00

3 rounds for time:

25 GHD sit-ups

18/25-cal Echo bike
Stimulus & Goals

Complete each couplet between 8:00-12:00.

Go unbroken on both the sit-ups and GHD sit-ups.

Finish the bike in 2:00 or less.


Move at a pace on the bike that allows you to go unbroken on the sit-ups. Pushing the pace on the bike does us no good if we are not moving through the sit-ups.

On the first couplet, remember to use your arms on the sit-ups. This will help with momentum and increase the speed of your sit-ups. In the second couplet, remember to drive your heels to the platform and squeeze your thighs as you come up out of the bottom of the GHD sit-up.