Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
21-calorie Echo bike
9 deadlifts (43/61 kg)
6 push jerks
3 squat snatches
Bike in less than 1:30.
Deadlifts and push jerks unbroken.
All barbell reps done in under 1:30 for most rounds.
1) Strength II
2) 230819
3) Accessory I
Metcon (Weight)
7 sets for load:
1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
Stimulus & Goals
Higher-skill weightlifting complex.
Loading will be limited to your best push press.
Start around 70% of your best push press and increase loading across each set.
Begin a new lift every 3:00.
The push press will be the most difficult part of this complex, so focus on executing this lift. The push jerk and split jerk should be a little easier.
On all three lifts, maintain the rack position and a more upright torso. The minute your rack position disappears or your torso starts to drift forward, causing a missed lift. Don’t forget to breathe during each lift and focus on getting as much hip extension as possible.
Metcon (No Measure)
4 sets for completion:
100-m sandbag bear hug carry (70/100 lb)
1:00 L-sit hold (accumulate)
In Accessory – I, move at a steady pace that is neither slow nor fast. The goal is to never really rest but to keep a constant push forward. Your main rest should be between L-sit hold attempts.
For the L-sit hold you can choose to use parallettes, two boxes, a pair of heavy dumbbells (50#+), a set of rings, or even hang from the pull-up bar. Any one of these is fair game or you can even switch it up from round to round. Regardless, hold yourself to a standard and choose a variation that allows you to hold for at least :15 on every attempt.