Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

On a 12:00 clock:

50-calorie row

40 KB swings (16/24 kg)

30 KB goblet squats

20 burpees Max rope climbs

Metcon (No Measure)


Accumulate: 10 Turkish get-ups/arm

– Use a single dumbbell or KB.

– Build in load as desired through all 10 reps.


Today’s Class

Stamina I

Step UP Push Press

Metcon (Time)

STAMINA I For time:

240/300-cal C2 Bike
NOTES 14:00-20:00. Stamina and endurance with a monostructural movement. Choose a faster pace than you want, somewhere around 75 RPMs. Once you slow a little bit, hold no lower than 65 RPMs for the remainder of the workout. Lactic acid will set in, but push through the discomfort and get familiar with how hard you can push your body.

Metcon (No Measure)


5 x 2:00 rounds:

20 double-DB box step-ups (20/35 lb) (16/20 in)

Max reps of double-DB push presses

– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
NOTES Stimulus & Goals 10:00 of work Have at least :30 to perform DB push presses 50+ push-press reps Strategy Practice holding the DBs toward the back of the handle to help with grip and to avoid forearm fatigue. If you have :30 or more to perform DB push presses, consider performing at least 2 sets in an effort to keep you from burning out and potentially failing reps. On every push press, focus on a short shallow dip followed by an aggressive drive to punch the DBs overhead.