CrossFit Games 2021 Event 10 (Time)

For time with a partner:

30 toes-to-bars

1.5-mile run

30 toes-to-bars

1.5-mile run

30 toes-to-bars

– One partner works while one rests. Partition the runs and toes-to-bar sets as needed.


This was an individual event 10 from the 2021 CrossFit Games. The fastest time was 21:10.

Athletes can break up the toes-to-bar and the runs as they see fit.


1) CrossFit Games 2021 Event 10

2) Main Lift

3) Accessory I

Metcon (Time)

CFG 2021 EVENT 10

For time with a partner:

30 toes-to-bars

1.5-mile run

30 toes-to-bars

1.5-mile run

30 toes-to-bars

– One partner works while one rests. Partition the runs and toes-to-bar sets as needed.
Stimulus & Goals


This was an individual event 10 from the 2021 CrossFit Games. The fastest time was 21:10.

Break up the toes-to-bar and run as you see fit.


Get ready for a hip flexor crusher that will test your stamina in this gymnastics movement, especially under fatigue from the longer runs.

Partner up and break up the toes-to-bar and runs as you see fit, ideally smaller quick sets to stay fresh and move fast. Consider sets of 5-10 on the toes-to-bar and 200-400 meters on the runs.

Back Squat (MAIN LIFT

5 sets:
5 back squats
– Rest as needed between sets.)

In today’s main lift expect the legs to feel a bit wobbly after workout 1. Give yourself a chance to rest and recover before squatting.

Build up to a heavy set of 5 reps. This should not be a new PR. Find something heavy and call it a day. This workout is all about getting the reps and volume in for the week.

Rest no more than 4:00 between sets.

Metcon (No Measure)


EMOM 15:

Min. 1 | :40 DB Romanian deadlifts (35/50 lb)

Min. 2 | :40 hollow hold

Min. 3 | :40 banded side steps
In Accessory – I, finish off your core and posterior chain. Each minute is :40 of work followed by :20 of rest. During the :40 of work, move with purpose and control. Focus on exactly which muscles you’re recruiting and complete the best range of motion possible. The DB weight for today should be light to moderate.