CrossFit Regional 2014 Event 6 (No Measure)

For time with a partner:

50-calorie row

50 box jump-overs (51/61 cm)

50 deadlifts (56/84 kg)

50 wall-ball shots (6/9 kg) (3 m)

50 ring dips

50 wall-ball shots

50 deadlifts

50 box jump-overs

50-calorie row

Time cap: 21:00

2014 CrossFit Regional event individual workout; for most athletes, this was a get-as-far-as-you-can 21:00 AMRAP.

In order to finish, pairs should complete each row in 3:00 or less, leaving just over 2:00 to complete each movement within the chipper.

Divide movement as desired; someone should always be moving.


1) CrossFit Regional 2014 Event 6 (Not As A Partner Workout)

2) Skill I

3) Accessory I

CrossFit Regional 2014 Event 6 (AMRAP – Reps)


For time:

50-calorie row

50 box jump-overs (20/24 in)

50 deadlifts (125/185 lb)

50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (10 ft)

50 ring dips

50 wall-ball shots

50 deadlifts

50 box jump-overs

50-calorie row

Time cap: 21:00
Stimulus & Goals

2014 CrossFit Regional event individual workout; for most athletes, this was a get-as-far-as-you-can 21:00 AMRAP.

Aim to complete each row in 3:00 or less, leaving just over 2:00 to complete each movement within the chipper.


Push the pace in the first half of the workout to bank time for the second half.

Keep moving on the box jump-overs. Complete at least sets of 10 on the deadlifts and wall-ball shots. Just keep moving on the ring dips. The bigger the sets, the better your chance of finishing the workout.

Metcon (No Measure)


5 sets:

On a 2:00 clock:

200-m run

Max distance DB farmers carry (50/70 lb)

– Rest 2:00 between sets.

– Use two DBs.
In Skill I, complete the 200-m run as quickly as possible to give yourself enough time to accumulate a significant distance on the double-DB farmers carry. Aim to have at least 1:00 to farmers carry. Hang on to the DBs for as long as possible with the time you have. If you find yourself dropping them more than twice, the weight is too heavy.

Metcon (No Measure)


4 sets:

10 single-leg GHD hip extensions/leg

10 weighted box step-ups/leg (20 in)
In Accessory – I, Use a pair of DBs or KBs to add load to the box step-ups. Increase load across as many sets as possible.

On the single-leg GHD hip extensions, move the foot platform back to make the movement easier. The more your hips are on the large pad, the easier the movement will be.

Rest as needed between sets.