Metcon (Time)

2 rounds for time:

10 hand-release push-ups

20 alternating hang DB power cleans (15/22.5 kg)

10 hand-release push-ups

800/1,000-m row

– Use a single DB.


Rows in 3:30-4:30.

Hand-release push-ups completed in :45 or less.

DB hang power cleans in 1:00 or less.

Metcon (No Measure)


3 sets:

:30 hollow rocks

10 strict toes-to-bars


1) 230617

2) Jump Muscle Up

3) Main Lift

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


For total reps:

EMOM 14:

Min. 1 | :30 box jumps (24/30 in)

Min. 2 | :30 muscle-ups
Stimulus & Goals

High-skill gymnastics day. Minimal movement interference, but a high heart rate.

Shoot to get 5-10 jumps and 1+ muscle-ups every set. Advanced athletes should challenge themselves to complete 30+ muscle-ups across the entire workout.


The built-in rest after the box jumps gives a full minute on the muscle-ups and allows for 2-3 sets.

Rebounding the box jumps is the fastest way to accumulate repetitions. However, stepping down or even using your hands to help get down from the top of the box can help you keep moving for the entire interval.

On the muscle-ups, focus on maintaining a tight and aggressive kip. This may deteriorate later in the interval or later in the workout, but this will be the most efficient and effective technique when performing these reps.

Split Jerk (MAIN LIFT

7 sets for load:
1 push press + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk)

Stimulus & Goals

Higher skill weightlifting complex.

Loading will be limited to your best push press.

Start around 70% of your best push press and increase loading across each set.

Begin a new lift every 3:00.


The push press will be the most difficult part of this complex. So, focus intently on executing this lift. The push jerk and split jerk should be a little easier.

On all three lifts, you will greatly benefit from maintaining the rack position and a more upright torso. The minute your rack position disappears or your torso starts to drift forward, you can kiss the lift goodbye. Don’t forget to breathe during each lift and focus on getting as much hip extension as possible.