Squat Clean (For load, on a running clock:
From 0:00-7:00:
Find a 5-rep-max squat clean

From 7:00-14:00:
Find a 3-rep-max squat clean

From 14:00-21:00:
Find a 1-rep-max squat clean)


Perform the sets of 5 and 3 squat cleans unbroken (touch and go).

Build to a heavy set of 5, 3, and 1.

Complete 2-3 sets within each 7:00 window.

Rest 1:00-3:00 between attempts.


1) 230815

2) Skill I

3) 230814

Squat Clean (230815

For load, on a running clock:
From 0:00-7:00:
Find a 5-rep-max squat clean

From 7:00-14:00:
Find a 3-rep-max squat clean

From 14:00-21:00:
Find a 1-rep-max squat clean)

Stimulus & Goals

Perform the sets of 5 and 3 as unbroken squat cleans (touch and go).

Build to heavy sets of 5, 3, and 1.

Complete 2-3 sets within each 7:00 window.

Rest 1:00-3:00 between attempts.


Begin the first set of 5 reps around 60% of your best squat clean.

Once you start a set, move through the set quickly and minimize the amount of time the load is on the body. If you need to rest or re-grip, do so at the hips.

On each rep, focus on getting as tall as possible. Hip extension is crucial as the load gets heavier.

Metcon (No Measure)


5 sets:

5 handstand push-up negatives

5 single-arm DB seated strict presses/arm

:30 max handstand push-ups

– Rest 2:00 between sets.
Maintain no less than a 2 count on the descent of the negative. You do not want your head “crashing” to the floor.

Use a weight for the DB strict press that allows you to complete all 5 reps on each arm unbroken.

You may perform strict or kipping handstand push-ups. If you are capable of performing 15 unbroken kipping reps, perform the reps as strict in this skill work.

Do not rest more than :10 between exercises.

Metcon (Time)


3 rounds for time:

30 GHD sit-ups

30 power snatches (55/75 lb)
Stimulus & Goals


Complete GHD sit-ups in 1:00-2:00.

Complete snatches in 1:00-2:00.

Perform snatches in sets of 10+ unbroken reps.


Strategically manage your reps on the GHD sit-ups so that you can get to the power snatches and perform large sets. Consider breaking the sit-ups into fast sets of 10-15.

Muscle snatch the barbell for as many reps as possible and then begin power snatching when you need to. The muscle snatch will be faster and allow you to get through the reps while minimizing quad fatigue. Expect your quads to burn on the GHD.