Dumbbell Thruster (Pre-workout:
Every 1:30 x 6 sets:
6 DB thrusters)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


400-m run

8 DB squats (15/22.5 kg)

30 double-unders
3-5 rounds.

Keep runs to 2:15 or less.

Unbroken squats in each round.

Spend no more than :30 completing double-unders in each round.


Macro: Weightlifting

– Commit to pre or post-workout lifting three times per week.

– Keep up with 1 heavy day per week.

– Test the benchmarks of Diane, Grace, and Isabel.

Micro: Getting heavy in a workout.

– Performing heavier barbell lifts within a workout. Not just pre or post-workout.

Today should go by pretty fast once you get warmed up. We’re starting with some heavier cleans and then moving on to some strength positional work for the clean pull. We’re finishing off the day with a short but sweet metcon. At this point, your squat should already feel good so get a few double-unders in and then get ready to attack the workout.

Clean (3 sets:
2 cleans (80%)

3 sets:
2 cleans (83%)

3 sets:
1 clean (85%))

We are in week 6 of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week, we are once again increasing the loading for both the clean and snatch. It’s important to note that as the weeks go on, the weights are going to get heavier and heavier. We want you to try and make the weights but don’t force anything that’s not there if you have a day that you’re not able to make the prescribed lifts. Instead, lower the load slightly and focus on making your movement patterns as best as you possibly can.

Increase the loading on the barbell for both the shoulder presses and front squats. Last week we built to a heavy 7 reps; this week we’re building to a heavy 5 reps. Although it is only a 2 rep difference, the loading should increase. This likely won’t be a major increase but even 5-10 lb is great.

Clean Lift Off (5 sets:
3 clean lift-offs
– Perform all 5 sets at 105% of your 1-rep max.)

perform all 5 sets at 105% of your 1-rep max. The clean lift-off is performed by picking the barbell up off the floor to right below your knee and then back down to the floor. The intent behind this movement is to ensure that your hips and chest rise at the same time so you can build strength in that position. Typically as loads get heavier, the hips may rise too soon. By using this movement we can train your body not to for when it’s time to hit a new PR!