Max Height Box Jump (Distance)

Max Height Box Jump

Every 2:00 x 4 sets:

5 box jumps

– Increase the height of the box with each set.

Jerry (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

2k Row

1-Mile Run
In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
To learn more about Jerry click here

Hero workout honoring Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton; see whiteboard brief for more on Sgt Patton.

21:00-27:00 overall time, with the rows each in 7:00-10:00 and the run in 6:00-9:00.

Balances out the heavy lifting and sprint workout from the first 2 days of the week.

Opportunity to rest the shoulders before a shoulder-heavy back half of the week.


1) Jerry

2) Strength I

3) Accessory I

Hang Power Snatch (STRENGTH I

For load:
Every 1:30 for 10 sets:
3 hang power snatches
– Above the knee.)

Complete each lift at 60% or better based on the percentages of your 1-rep-max.

Increase loading on every set. Each jump should be relatively small.

Think about jumping the weight up to your overhead position and driving your elbows up and back to help keep the bar close. On the return, think about pushing the bar back to the hang position.

Metcon (No Measure)


4 sets:

10 single-leg GHD hip extensions/leg

5 weighted box step-ups/leg (20 in)
In Accessory – I, use a pair of DBs or KBs to add load to the box step-ups. Increase load across as many sets as possible.

On the single-leg GHD hip extensions, move the foot platform back to make the movement easier. The more your hips are on the large pad, the easier the movement will be.

Rest as needed between sets.