Metcon (Time)

For time:

15 DB burpee box overs (15/22.5 kg) (51/61 cm)

15 deadlifts (93/143 kg)

15 overhead squats (135/205 lbs)

15 ring muscle-ups

– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs


Advanced athletes can push to go sub 10:00.

Heavy met-con that is relative to each athlete’s capacity.

Complete the overhead squats in 3 sets or less.


Overhead Squat (3 sets:
1 overhead squat
– Build to a 1-rep max!)

– Perform BEFORE class if possible today.

Welcome to the final week of this lifting cycle!

Today, build to a heavy set of 2 or 3 overhead squats and then take 3 more heavy singles to build to a 1-rep max.

If you fail a rep, you may take another attempt at the same weight.

If you fail the same load twice, stop there for the day.

Rest 3:00 between sets.

Box Jumps (EMOM 10:
1 seated box jump
– Build to a max-height jump.)

In Accessory – I, set up a box that places the hip parallel when seated. Perform one rep each minute and build to a max-height jump.