CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)In 15:00: 4 Working Sets of, 8 Ring Dips (add weight if needed) 8 Upright Row 4 Broad JumpsMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP17: 20 Box Jumps 10 Ring Push Ups 20 Walking Lunges 10 Strict Chin Ups 200m...

CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)In 15:00: 4 Working Sets of, 8 Ring Dips (add weight if needed) 8 Push PressMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP17: 20 Box Jumps 10 Ring Push Ups 20 Walking Lunges 10 Strict Chin Ups 200m...

CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)In 12:00: 4 Working Sets of, 8 Ring Dips (add weight if needed) 8 Upright Row 4 Broad JumpsMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP17: 20 Box Jumps 10 Ring Push Ups 20 Walking Lunges (2×22.5/15kg) 10 Strict...

CrossFit – Mon, Jul 22

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitMetcon (Time)3 Rounds For Time: 100 Double Unders/200 Single Unders 10 Plate Squats (20/10kg) 10 Chest To BarMetcon (No Measure)For 15:00: 30s On/30s Off, Cals on your least favourite machine* 😁 *or burpees/run/skip/wall ballWork...

CrossFit – Sun, Jul 21

CROSSFIT BRACKNELL – CrossFitHyroxBuy In: 800m Run Perform each of the following for 3:00 then rest for 1:00: Floor Seated Sled Pull Ski Sled Push Burpee Broad Jump OH DB Walking Lunge Wall Ball Cash Out: 800m RunCLASSMetcon (Time)3 Rounds For Time: 30 Burpee...